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shell_session cpp python
  • Introduction
  • Serial Console
  • Device Settings
  • Sensor Values
  • Firmware
  • ROS
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Termite API! You can use our API to get and set hardware information and settings on various sensors, network settings, network.

    There are examples in various flavours: Serial Console, C++ , C , C# , and Python! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    Sense, Create + Control :)

    Installing the software

    The default firmware streams data from its onboard sensors continously and allows you to make calls to the Termite over serial interface to change settings.

    Serial Console

    UART Settings

    Parameter Value
    Serial Port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
    Baud Rate 115200
    Data Bits 8
    Parity none
    Stop Bits 1
    Flow Control false

    Open your serial console and connect to the Termite with the correct BaudRate (115200). You should see lots of data flowing from the Termite in human readable format in the following order:

    Version 1.0 Senses


    Variable Sensor Description
    X Accelerometer X axis acceleration
    Y Accelerometer Y axis acceleration
    Z Accelerometer Z axis acceleration
    Temperature Environmental Temperature from Environmental sensor in Celcius.
    Light Optical Ambient light levels measured in Lux
    Humidity Environmental Percentage of water vapor present in the air.
    Proximity Optical Distance measured between 1cm and 13cm.
    Pressure Environmental Atmospheric pressure

    Additional sensor readings for hardware v1.1


    Variable Sensor Description
    Red Optical Red spectrum measurement
    Green Optical Green spectrum measurement
    Blue Optical Blue spectrum measurement

    Additional sensor readings for hardware v2.0


    Variable Sensor Description
    QW Gyroscope Quaternion W component
    QX Gyroscope Quaternion X component
    QY Gyroscope Quaternion Y component
    QZ Gyroscope Quaternion Z component
    Temperature LSM Environmental Temperature from Environmental sensor in Celcius.

    Serial Commands

    > TMT

    Asks device if it is a Termite, returns the hardware version if true as the follwing:

    Response: +Termite VERSION:1.0
    > CMD

    Puts the Termite into 'command mode' allowing you to enter additional commands.

    Response: +Termite CMD Mode Active
    Response: +OK

    The following commands only work once you have entered 'Command Mode' (CMD):

    The Termite will only respond to the following two commands when outside of 'Command Mode'

    Command Result
    TMT Ask device if Termite? Returns hardware version if true.
    CMD Enters you into command mode. From here you may run additional commands below.

    The following commands are only available once user has entered *'Command Mode'** (CMD)*

    Control Commands

    > INFO

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "sname":"DEVICE NAME",
    "stype":"SENSOR TYPE",
    "prj":"PROJECT NAME",
    "user":"USER/OWNER NAME",
    "wifi":"YOUR NETWORK",
    "wifipass":"YOUR PASSWORD",
    "MQTTLogin":"YOUR LOGIN",

    These commands are for querying and controlling the Termite.

    Command Result
    EXT Exits command mode
    RST Resets the device
    INFO Returns a JSON array of Termites settings
    HELP Prints out a list of possible commands


    In order to maintain data integrity the default firmware makes use of CRC32 for error checking. When activated a checksum will be added to the beginning of all outputs.

    Command Result
    CRCON Enables Checksum
    CRCOFF Disables Checksum

    Data Format Command

    > CSV

    Changes the output to the follwing format

    -5.83, 0.82, -8.03, 25.33, 217.25, 27.64, 11.45, 101599.55, -0.25, 5.32, 339.24, 37.99, 352.20, 22.19
    > TAB

    Changes the output to the follwing format

    X = -6.01 Y = 0.83 Z = -7.93 Temp = 25.12 Light = 223.00 Humidity = 28.93 Proximity = 11.74 Pressure = 101599.63 Altitude = -0.25 DewPoint = 5.80 Yaw = 340.07 Pitch = 39.66 Roll = 352.37 tempLSM = 21.94
    > JSON

    Changes the output to the follwing format


    These commands change the output format from the device. Please note that these settings are not saved and return to the default TAB format when the device is reset.

    Command Returns Description
    CSV +CSV Output Comma Seperated Format
    TAB +TAB Output Tabulated Keyed Format
    JSON +JSON Output JSON Format

    Device Settings

    Settings Command


    Here is an example of settings to change your WIFI settings:

        "sname":"Termite Name",
        "wifi":"YOUR NETWORK",
        "wifipass":"YOUR PASSWORD",

    The device has an onboard memory (eeprom) that allows us to write and save settings that will be retained even after reboot or a power cycle.

    Command Result
    SETTINGS{} Device saves settings and exits CMD mode.


    SETTINGS{"sname":"Termite Name","UDP":"","UDPPort":"19992","UDPAuto":"true","wifi":"YOUR NETWORK","wifipass":"YOUR PASSWORD","wifiauto":"true"}END

    Make sure to include SETTINGS before your JSON packet and END afterwards.

    Settings Info

    The device stores settings in its onboard memory (EEPROM). One must not write to settings unless you absolutely must change the settings. There is a maximum of 100,000 write cycles.

    You may read the SPIFFS File system as much as you want. But the best practice is to read this information once when the device starts up and store this information in variables.

    The default firmware allows the user to read stored settings. The response is a JSON file. See INFO command

    +INFO:{"chipid":00000000,"flashchipid":0000000,"flashchipsize":4096,"mac":"00:00:00:00:00:00","sname":"DEVICE NAME","stype":"SENSOR TYPE","prj":"PROJECT NAME","user":"USER/OWNER NAME","deepsleep":"false","interval":"600","accelint":"false","pirint":"false","wifi":"YOUR NETWORK","wifipass":"YOUR PASSWORD","wifiauto":"true","UDP":"","UDPPort":"19992","UDPAuto":"true","MQTT":"","MQTTPort":"8883","MQTTLogin":"YOUR LOGIN","MQTTPass":"YOUR PASSWORD","lat":"0","lon":"0","geoaccuracy":"0"}

    Setting Parameters

    Parameter Example State Default Value
    chipid 00000000 get NA
    flashchipid 0000000 get NA
    flashchipsize 4096 get NA
    mac "00:00:00:00:00:00" get NA
    sname "DEVICE NAME" get/set "Device Name"
    stype "SENSOR TYPE" get/set "Sensor Type"
    prj "PROJECT NAME" get/set "Project Name"
    user "USER/OWNER NAME" get/set "User Name"
    deepsleep "false" get/set "false"
    interval "600" get/set "600"
    accelint "false" get/set "false"
    pirint "false" get/set "false"
    wifi "YOUR NETWORK" get/set "Wifi_Network"
    wifipass "YOUR PASSWORD" get/set "Wifi_Password"
    wifiauto "false" get/set "false"
    UDP "" get/set ""
    UDPPort "19992" get/set "19992"
    UDPAuto "false" get/set "false"
    MQTT "" get/set ""
    MQTTPort "8883" get/set "8883"
    MQTTLogin "YOUR LOGIN" get/set ""
    MQTTPass "YOUR PASSWORD" get/set ""
    lat "0" get/set "0"
    lon "0" get/set "0"
    geoaccuracy "0" get/set "0"

    Sensor Values

    Senses Range
    Pressure 300...1100 hPa
    Humidity 0…100%
    Temperature -40…85°C

    Sensor Accuracy

    Hardware v1:

    ± 3 % relative humidity - Response time for accurate reading = 1 s

    Hardware v2:

    ± 3 % relative humidity - Response time for accurate reading = 8 s

    +/- 15% +/- 15 VOC Gases

    Average Current

    Hardware Version Awake + Wifi Deep Sleep
    Version 1 Average = 78mA 40uA to 51.2uA
    Version 2 Average = 78mA 160uA to 190uA


    Firmware files allow us to create different applications from the Termite.

    It is important to note that Core firmware is required in order for the Termite to function with the commands in this API and the "Termite Connect" app.

    Core firmware file will be titled: Termite_Core_v0.00.bin

    Escaping DeepSleep

    If the Termite cannot be programmed or is not responding it is possible that the Termite is in Deep Sleep mode


    ROS Termites wrapper was created and maintained by: Yago Lizarribar

    Robot Operating System (ROS) is a flexible framework for writing robot software.

    This package gets the data sent from Termites and sends it to the ROS system.

    How to run the node

    You will have to install the serial library for Python: bash user@machine:~$ sudo pip install pyserial

    Create a catkin workspace and paste the folder: bash user@machine:~$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src user@machine:~/catkin_ws/src$ git clone user@machine:~/catkin_ws/src$ cd .. && catkin_make

    If it compiles without errors, open a terminal and start a roscore: user@machine:~$ roscore

    On another terminal run: user@machine:~$ rosrun Termites_ros

    To check if it's working, you can open a third terminal and run: user@machine:~$ rostopic echo /termite

    How to set udev rules for Termites

    Hardware/Udev rules are a great tool to organize your peripherals, since they allow you to give them unique symbolic names.

    In the case of the Termites, while in this folder, open a terminal and run: bash user@machine:~$ chmod +x user@machine:~$ ./

    Once this is done, you can chech that the udev rule was properly loaded by typing in the terminal: bash user@machine:~$ ls /dev/termite /dev/termite (in blue color)